The Fourth Chapter
of the
Book of the Law


The Book of the Law has three chapters, each voiced from the persona (mask) of one member of a family of Egyptian gods. Mother and father are Nuit (Nut) and Hadit. They express the first two chapters. The third chapter is told to us by one of the two sons of the family, the sun-god Ra-Hoor-Khuit (Ré-Horakty) whose name means Ra Horus of the Horizon.

The Book of the Law has 220 verses in all, which is why one of Its names is Liber 220. The seventh verse of chapter one, and so of the whole Book, is:

Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the
minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.
– 220,1:7.

Hoor-paar-kraat is the other son. His name means Horus the Child. To the Greeks He was Harpocrates. He is depicted as an innocent child sucking His thumb or finger. As His finger is on His lips, He is known as the Son of Silence. Aiwass is the minister of Horus the Child. If Hoor-paar-kraat is such an important figure in this family of gods that it is His minister who reveals Liber Al vel Legis to mankind, how come He doesn’t get His own chapter? Shouldn’t the fourth chapter of the Book of the Law be expressed from the persona of Hoor-paar-kraat?

The answer to that question can be found in Ra-Hoor-Khuit’s chapter, the third chapter of the Book of the Law.

The fool readeth this Book of the Law, and
its comment; & he understandeth it not.

Let him come through the first ordeal, &
it will be to him as silver.

Through the second, gold.

Through the third, stones of precious water.

Through the fourth, ultimate sparks of the
intimate fire.

Yet to all it shall seem beautiful. Its
enemies who say not so, are mere liars.
– 220,3:63-68.

These six verses describe how the Book of the Law and its comment, the Book of Codes (found together in Liber 440), appear to those who read it. Although any writing can be said to reflect the capacity of the reader to understand it, the writings of Aiwass bypass reason to communicate directly to our spiritual awareness. The four metaphorical reflections mentioned in these verses — silver, gold, stones of precious water and ultimate sparks of the intimate fire — represent four major stages of spiritual awakening.

The spiritually unaware simply do not understand the writings of Aiwass. Yet, everyone can see the light of wisdom shining in their minds at the reading of the Book of the Law, even if they can’t objectify that light. Those who interpret the writings literally merely deceive the child within, thereby discounting their own spiritual awareness.

The Book of the Law is a magic mirror. It reflects the level of spiritual initiation available to the reader. The language of spiritual awareness is the language of the unconscious. It is the language of dreams and visions, a language of symbols. Hoor-paar-kraat’s message changes as we develop deeper contacts between our conscious and unconscious minds. The fourth chapter of the Book of the Law is expressed by the silent watcher. It is written in our personal responses to Aiwass’s symbolic language.

 Nemo Pandragon

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minister: Person employed in execution of (purpose, will, etc.). - Oxford English Dictionary
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The Book of Codes, Liber 718, was also dictated by Aiwass, but nearly 72 years after Liber 220. This time the scribe was James Charles Beck of Beaverton, Oregon, USA. It is made clear in the Book of Codes that Jim Beck was the re-incarnation of Aiwass, the magickal child of Aleister Crowley.
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